About us
We are a corporate formed by a team with extensive professional experience in the design and implementation of instruments and strategies for development, equal opportunities and poverty reduction.

We are a corporate formed by a team with extensive professional experience in the design and implementation of instruments and strategies for development, equal opportunities and poverty reduction.
Francisco has experience designing programs that improve people’s quality of life and developing targeting strategies to enhance the effective distribution of resources. During his professional career, he has focused on building new ways of developing inclusive social and economic policies according to the needs of communities, companies, and governments. He has worked as Deputy Director of Education and Advisor in public policies evaluation at the National Planning Department (DNP), National Director of the Familias en Acción and Jovenes en Acción, Conditional cash transfer in Colombia, and Advisor to the Vice Ministry of Social Protection. As a partner and co-founder of Inclusion, he has led nearly 30 projects and program designs for national and Latin American clients such as Deloitte, UNICEF, FAO, UNDP, Promigas Foundation, Saldarriaga Concha Foundation, and the National University of Colombia.
Master’s degree in Economics, Universidad Javeriana | Economics, Universidad Javeriana
Diana has extensive experience designing and implementing public policies and development projects in the labor, health, and social protection sectors. She served as Deputy Minister in Social Protection (Ministry of Health), General Director of ADRES, Director of Sector Financing (Ministry of Health), Director of employment and job training at the Ministry of Labor, health and social protection specialist for Colombia at the World Bank, Sisbén Coordinator and Health Advisor at the DPN.
MSc Social Policy and Social Research, University College London (UCL) | Master’s degree in Economics, Universidad de los Andes | Economics, Universidad Nacional
Ana has a master’s degree in economics and a degree in government and international relations. She has experience formulating public policies and social programs, measuring and analyzing multidimensional poverty, and legislative topics. During her professional career, she coordinated the formulation of guidelines for the National Policy for LGBTI people for the Ministry of the Interior. She accompanied the design and implementation of Mi Familia, a program for strengthening family skills and prevention of violence against children and adolescents at the ICBF. She has worked on multidimensional childhood poverty research and as an advisor on legislative issues at the Ministry of the Environment.
Master’s degree in Economics – PEG, Universidad de los Andes | Government and International Relations, Universidad Externado de Colombia
Juan Pablo has experience in the design and implementation of social programs and the development of policies. He worked as Technical Director for the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF) and as Territorial Development Advisor for the National Planning Department (DPN). He also worked for the National Agency for Overcoming Extreme Poverty (ANSPE) and at the Mayor’s Office of Bogotá.
Political Scientist and Philosopher, Universidad de los Andes | Economics Specialist, Universidad de los Andes | Master in Public Administration (MPA), London School Of Economics (LSE)
Dalma is an economist with experience estimating territorial indicators for poverty measures, public management, and efficiency. She was an advisor for the Directorate of Decentralisation and Territorial Development at the DPN where she accompanied the process of the redesign of the municipal performance measurement, the creation of the Terridata platform, and the construction of the pact for decentralization: connecting territories, governments, and populations.
She has worked in consulting firms and public entities such as the District Secretariat of Finance and the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá as a quantitative and geo-referenced information analyst, supporting the elaboration of monitoring and evaluating public policy documents.
Economist and Master’s degree in Economics, Universidad de Los Andes.